Patriot Bob My personal blog spot in cyberspace Thu, 22 Oct 2020 14:22:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Debate or Censorship? Thu, 22 Oct 2020 14:22:49 +0000 We are fast approaching the final debate between Trump and Biden.  Not really sure it can be called a debate, but more a demonstration of control by the moderator.

The moderator (dictator) gets to control who speaks and when – gets to control the agenda topics.

This was originally suppose to be a debate about foreign affairs, but due to the fact that Biden would be left in the dust on this issue, the moderator (dictator) deleted that topic from the agenda.  In addition, the agenda is just a repeat of what has already been discussed in the first debate.  You know, the one between Trump, Biden and Wallace!

The first debate was a travesty, no substantive questions were asked, the moderator (Wallace) had no control of the interaction between the

participants.  The bottom line was that he was too much a part of the debate.

It is really going to be interesting to see how this plays out and I am sure there will be more to add to this tomorrow!!

Liar In-Chief Thu, 22 Oct 2020 13:25:05 +0000 Well, he is back – making his first appearance in an attempt to get Joe Biden into the oval office so that Kamala Harris can run the country (with the help of Sanders).

A little history lesson on how “truthful” (ha, ha) the past commander-in-chief was:

  • If you like your plan, you can keep your plan – period
  • If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor
  • Health care will now save you thousands of dollars a year
  • I’m going to get our troops home
  • Obamacare will not fund abortions
  • I’ve saved or created 150,000 jobs
  • I’ll cut the deficit in half
  • I’m not one to support gay marriage

This is not to mention his illegal wire tapping of the Trump campaign!  “Deep-State” is still alive and well in the White House.

After his appearance in Pennsylvania to support his former VP, it is obvious that retirement hasn’t helped him to be more truthful!  He stood in front of the Biden supporters and did nothing but lie about how great he was, and how bad Trump is.

He is doing his best to insure that Biden is elected in order to prevent all his administrations graft and illegal actions from coming out!

It is extremely obvious to the casual observer that the data which is now coming out about the Biden crime family goes to the very top of the Obama administration.  There is no way that access to China and Ukraine and the “pay-to-play” scheme could have happened without the full support of the White House.

The only thing keeping the citizens of our country to be up in arms and demanding the justice be done is the censoring of the news reports.  Twitter has been banning the NY Post from getting their news feed out to the public.



Obama on the Road Again Wed, 21 Oct 2020 15:01:19 +0000 It should now be no doubt in any-ones mind that Joe Biden is guilty as hell.  Obama is out there now trying to make sure that Sleepy Joe doesn’t lose.

Why?  If Biden doesn’t make it to the White House the truth about Obama’s role in the selling of the United States will come out. There has never been any doubt in my mind that he hated America and the people of this great country.

You would have to be brain dead not to know that Joe and Hunter could not have been so involved in the operations of China and Ukraine without Obama knowing about and approving it.

All the while, lying Adam Schiff keeps claiming that this is all a Russian disinformation plot by the Trump administration.  This guy must have gotten a degree in Advanced lying because he does it with such a straight face.  An embarrassment to the United States and all politicians!

Your Vote Counts Tue, 13 Oct 2020 17:41:20 +0000 We are in the most important Presidential election of our lies!  It has to be remembered that you get what you deserve – and if you don’t vote you get what someone else wants.


If you want gun control – vote Biden

If you want to protect the Second Amendment – vote Trump


If you want to pack the Supreme Court – vote Biden

If you want the Supreme Court to remain with nine justices – vote Trump


 If you want to ban fracking – vote Biden

If you want to have clean energy – vote Trump


If you want to remove the filibuster – vote Biden

If you want to keep the Senate as is – vote Trump


If you think China is our countries friend – vote Biden

If you want to reject China’s takeover – vote Trump


Amy Coney Barrett Tue, 13 Oct 2020 17:19:33 +0000 Another confirmation hearing, that is not a hearing but a referendum on the President, the Republicans, and a nominee, started today in the Senate.  Not one Democrat discussed the qualifications of Amy Coney Barrett, which we are paying them to do.  Instead they continued to spew the disproved lies about the President.  Lies about what he said about the Veterans (one of which I am), lies about how he botched the covid-19 pandemic; called him the “spreader in chief, and other inappropriate things.

Senate Amy Klobuchar was probably one of the worst liars during the opening day “speeches”.  I had always given the number one ranking lie teller in the Congress to Representative Schiff.  But Klobuchar repeated many disproved lies about the President.   She is obviously suffering from TDS and should get some mental help.  What I wonder is how she can go home at night and look in the mirror, or her husband and/or child in the eye. It can only be assumed that she goes by the concept of “do as I say, not as I do”.  How can anyone trust an individual that will outright lie at a Senate hearing and as an officer of the court as well (isn’t that what a lawyer is considered?)!

Then you have Senator Richard Blumenthal, another lawyer, and dishonest as the day is long.  To me he will be forever known as a Stolen Valor individual who should not even be in the Senate, let alone being allowed to judge this nominee.  There must not be many Veterans in the state of Connecticut, or they are so outnumbered that Blumenthal keeps getting elected.

Veterans supporting Biden? Fri, 09 Oct 2020 18:32:43 +0000 Recently I saw the above sticker on what I am sure was a car belongs to a Veteran.  Because of this I did some research to try and find reasons for support Biden over Trump by Veterans.  What I found was more about what Trump and done for Veterans.

Some are listed below:

  • The Trump Administration has rebuilt the military
  • Increase funding for weapon systems for the military
  • The Trump Administration overhauled the Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Signed spending bill for the Department of Veterans Affairs that for the first time exceeds more than $200 billion.
  • Expanded access for veterans to VA-funded care in the private sector.


Why shouldn’t they vote for Biden:

  • Debilitating budget cuts
  • Failed foreign policy decisions
  • Inability to provide our nation’s heroes with the quality healthcare they deserve.
  • Obama/Biden welcomed the traitor “Bowe” Bergdahl’s family to the Whitehouse


Pack the Court! Fri, 09 Oct 2020 17:35:04 +0000 Probably one of the most important issues facing the next President of the United States (if it is Joe Biden) is that of how the Supreme Court will be handled.

Biden’s most recent statement on this is was, “Elect me and I will let you know1”  Kind of a non answer Joe!  In my opinion Joe really did answer the question.

He will pack the court!

Why do I believe that he will pack the court? Pretty simple – if he wasn’t going to do so, he would have stated that to put the issue behind him.


If my lips are moving Thu, 08 Oct 2020 18:04:22 +0000 So let us look at who Joe Biden really is.

Joe is a lifelong politician, who went to law school, and began his career in politics three years after completing law school.


His latest political position, prior to running for President, was as Vice President under Barack Obama.  This is critical seeing how he acted as VP will surely shape how he will govern if elected President.

  • When he was serving as vice president, race relations in the U.S. took a nose dive.
  • Voted to invade Iraq, killing upward to a million people
  • If you don’t vote for me “You’re not black”.
  • Helping to write the Patriot Act
  • Implemented the crime bill causing the incarceration of Black men
  • How many bachelor degrees has Joe stated he has – maybe three
  • Was Biden really top of his law school class?
  • Family background being from a family of coal miners in PA
  • Arrested with Nelson Mandela
  • Supported the Hyde Amendment (bans federal funding of abortion)
  • I support Green New Deal, I do not support the Green New Deal
  • I support fracking, I do not support fracking
  • I will pack the court, people do not deserve to know my position
  • I will support making DC a state
  • etc., etc., etc.
Black Lives Matter is a Racist Statement Thu, 27 Aug 2020 14:10:14 +0000 When I see these signs the first thing that comes to my mind is “racist”. But, my guilt ridden mind had to go home and look up the definition of racist.

What did I find —– “ a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”.

So the fact that only black lives matter is in itself an act/statement of racism.

So who is/are members of the Black Lives Matter?  Lets take a look at the history as well as information on their website. 

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a video from 2015 that she as well as her fellow organizers are “trained Marxists” – this should tell everyone about their ideological foundation.

Eric Mann, former agitator of the Weather Underground domestic terror organization who spent years absorbing the Marxist-Leninist ideology shaped Ms. Cullors beliefs.  Breitbart News reported.

If this is not telling enough, read her book, “When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir” where she described her support for Marxist ideology – in her own words!

Couple BLM group with Antifa and you have the rioters that have all but destroyed many Democratic cities recently. 

So who is Antifa? According to their literature it is an umbrella term to describe radical left-leaning militant groups that typically confront neo-Nazism and white supremacists at demonstrations.  But they and their followers have gone much further.  They have burned cities, intimidated those who disagree with them, killed those that do not believe in their views, and vowed to overthrow the government.


